How To Prevent Your Point-of-Sale System From Ruining Your Day Part 1

October 9, 2015

There’s nothing like technology, it can be the greatest ally in a business owner’s fight to grow their company. But as great as it is, it can also bring about some stressful situations.

Point-of-sale systems are a prime example, they can help busy restaurant turntables at lighting speed, process complicated orders between front-of-house and kitchen, but when they don’t want to process credit cards and it’s rush hour, it can lead to some stressful situations.

While no POS system will always run flawlessly, it’s possible to try these quick tips for common errors and prevent a call to tech support. Every point-of-sale system is different, but we at BNG Point-Of-Sale present some of the most common glitches and how to fix them on your own, DIY style.

#1). My point-of-sale system isn’t printing properly

Most likely the cables are not connected properly or are malfunctioning. POS systems come with color-coded cables, so check to see if the colors are attached to their designated matching hookup.

Another common problem is loose connections. Check to see if the cables are tightly and properly fastened in their proper hookup. More often than not the cords were pulled loose from constant usage, or tripping or stepping over them. Simply checking for a tight fit will solve the issue.

No cables? If you have a bluetooth printer, you’ll need to check your wifi connection. Spotty wifi throughout your business is likely to affect your printer, so be sure to segment your wifi between customer-facing and business.

If printing problems persist, a more nefarious cause may be to blame, and you’ll have to call your point-of-sale support.

#2). My card reader has difficulty reading some credit cards

If the card scanner is damaged, you may have trouble reading the magnetic strip or chip properly, try sliding the card down and towards you first. Otherwise, you will manually have to enter the card’s data into the system.

A quick note, if you have to manually enter the card’s number it will be seen as a less secure transaction by your processing company and cost more to process. Additionally, if you’re not able to read the chip on the card, in the case of a chargeback, your business will be liable.

For keying in a few cards, it’s not a big deal, but you’ll want to replace your card reader sooner rather than later.

#3). Why do I have to keep adding pressure when I use my touchscreen?

Over time your screen will lose its sensitivity, making it difficult to register the correct input.

To easily rectify this, keep your manual nearby, and walk through the directions to calibrate the screen. This should do a trick, and your screen should be as good as new.

If the screen is having problems post recalibration and restarting the device, the screen will need to be fixed and you’ll have to contact support.

#4). My point-of-sale system is slow/ showing an error message

Most likely this is a network problem, and the first step is to check your internet server connection. Resetting the server by unplugging it will typically solve the issue.

One of the best ways to prevent issues during busy times is to plan updates and checking your network outside busy hours frequently.

#5). My POS system is running slowly/longer operating

This could also be related to your network, but sometimes it comes down to POS system updates. Depending on what package and support you have, some providers offer free updates as part of their package, while others do not. Like all computers, your POS software will need regular software updates to keep running at top efficiency.

Many times, if you are not on a support package agreement with your point-of-sale provider, your system will not be receiving regular updates. Be aware of what support and updates are included in your package upfront will save you trouble down the road.

Keeping up on system updates will help keep your POS flowing, along with your business. It’ll ensure employees can continue ringing up items, tracking inventory, and accepting payments seamlessly.

A quick tip: If you need to update your POS, do not install update not during high traffic hours.

#6). The receipt paper keeps turning black

Chances are you’re using the wrong kind of paper. Different point-of-sale printers require special paper to perform the different environments. If you are using thermal receipt paper, it will turn black when exposed to hot environments.

How can you tell if it’s thermal or impact paper? Impact requires a ribbon, where the thermal paper does not. If you don’t want to completely replace the printer, then you’ll have to move the printer to a cooler area.

Final thoughts

While other problems can arise, these are the most common that could usually be fixed without a long phone call with IT. There comes a time for every business when they need to weigh their current point-of-sale system and see if it is performing at the level it should be.

If you’re unsure whether your current system is up to the challenge or want a free consultation on if it’s time to upgrade, contact our team for a free consultation.

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