How to Take Secure Payments as an E-Commerce Store

December 22, 2016

Owning an E-Commerce site is wonderful, isn’t it? You don’t have to worry about opening and closing a store every day, and have certain freedoms in managing your business.

Although running an E-Commerce site sounds like a breeze, handling payments can dampen the experience.

A lot of online stores handle payments by manually keying in a customer’s credit card information on a credit card terminal, an online virtual terminal, or a website shopping cart.

This typical method can lead to lots of paper to keep track of, along with the risk of payment information being entered incorrectly.

One merchant had online payment issues.

Hercules Tow Ropes is a Fargo-based manufacturer with half a dozen employees and operates primarily online through an E-Commerce website .

As an E-Commerce merchant, Hercules Tow Ropes would accept orders from their website, then manually enter all the information into a credit card machine, wait for the receipt, and then save the actual printer paper.

It would take the team at Hercules Tow Ropes five plus hours per week to manually key in all the credit card orders into their bookkeeping software.

This time-consuming process took even more time during the busy seasons of winter and early spring, as their business was constantly flooded with orders. This painful, and very labor intensive process was costing the company an extra $406.03 every month from manually inputting orders.

They decreased their time.

When Hercules Tow Ropes owner, John Keller, learned about the headaches in this process, he took action. John decided to switch to the payments processing company, BNG Holdings, Inc. and began using their payment gateway. The order processing team at Hercules Tow Ropes immediately noticed time savings and efficiencies, as a change in their process. Today, orders that are submitted online through Hercules Tow Ropes’ website are automatically inputted and processed right away, with rope products shipped, all the while making the professional life easier for Hercules Tow Ropes.

Another benefit Hercules Tow Ropes experienced when switching was getting rid of all the paperwork and tracking down old receipts.

Want to read more?

Find out how else Hercules Tow Rope eliminated manual labor involved with processing online payments here.

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