The Secret Tool To Managing Multiple Locations In the Twin Cities

April 13, 2016

Sometimes, as a restaurant owner, you have to oversee more than one location.

Splitting up time between all your separate venues is a daunting, and exhausting task. Even if you manage to spend a fair amount of time at each location every day, there’s still a lot that can fall through the cracks.

You likely want to cut down on your commute time, and be able to track your multiple businesses without all the driving. So how can you simplify monitoring your restaurants and cafes, and keep better track of what’s happening?

There’s a solution with Restaurant Manager. Through the power of our smart phones, their ability to process information is one of the greatest gifts to small business owners today. Now you can use that technology to your advantage and manage your restaurants more effectively.

You monitor your restaurant without stepping through the doors

A handy little app created by Restaurant Manager (which was designed with the busy business owner in mind), called RM Monitor, gives you 5 minute real time updates of all your venues. It gives you access to keep in touch with all your locations by tapping into your Point-of-Sale system on the go.

Even further, the app goes into detail of how much you’re making at any of your specific locations. The tracking built into RM Monitor allows you to see labor costs, and the profit you’re turning over for that hour. This feature lets you know when labor hits over 30% of what’s sold.

  • Some of the other key features include:
  • Employees nearing overtime for the day or the week
  • Large deletions or voids
  • High spending tables
  • Deletions or voids listed by employee

Life without these kind of applications, means you’re constantly bouncing around from location to the next, and trusting your managers to assure you’re not losing profits on too much staff and slow hours.

You wouldn’t be able to catch that 30% line, and then you can quickly start losing money. Having a tool that lets you look track your costs on your phone, then call and say “Send someone home,” will save your business from losing profits unnecessarily.

There are two options for RM app

The classic app is used most frequently by Restaurant Manager users is RM Monitor v1.3. This version presents sales data in standard report format and has become the consistent.

Now Restaurant Manager users looking for enhanced functionality can try out the new RM Monitor v2.0 app. This app is also available for Apple products, and includes intuitive graphs and charts and the ability to monitor food costs as well.

“After seeing the great value the initial release of RM Monitor has provided to Restaurant Manager customers, we knew it was critical to make this technology more universally available by developing it as a native app for the Android platform,” says Alex Malison, CEO of Action Systems. “RM Monitor provides Restaurant Manager customers a real advantage in the ultra competitive hospitality industry by allowing them to access and utilize information more quickly.”

Want to learn more about Restaurant Manager?

Check out their options with RM Monitor here, or talk to a RM specialist and see what they recommend.

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